Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Truth About Weight Loss

This is the most important fitness article you will read all year. I’m going to lay it all on the line about weight loss. I am going to share my “weight-loss secret” with you right now. I’m not even going to try to sell you a book or video or diet program, I’m just going to give it to you for free! Here goes.

If you create a negative energy balance by burning more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.

It’s really that simple. Based on the conflicting information you get bombarded with every day in the media, you wouldn’t think it’s that simple, but it is.

Now that I’ve shared my “weight-loss secret” with you, let’s discuss both sides of the energy balance equation. Burning calories is a function of your resting metabolism (the number of calories you burn at rest), your physical activity (the number of calories you burn through activity) and the digestion of food (yes, digesting food burns calories).

You can help yourself in several ways on the “burn more calories” side. Resistance training is a double-bonus as it not only burns calories while you are doing it, it develops muscle, which elevates your resting metabolism. Cardio exercises like walking burn hundreds of calories in only 30 minutes a day, and certain foods, like green vegetables, will burn more calories to digest than others. So there is plenty you can do on the “burn more calories” side of the equation.

On the consumption side, there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. Assuming your current weight is stable, and you create a negative calorie balance of 3500 calories (500 per day) over one week, you will lose one pound. You could achieve this by burning 250 calories per day through increased physical activity and consuming 250 calories per day less.

If you’ve been gaining weight, you may need to create a negative balance of greater than 3,500 calories in one week to lose a pound. That is why you may hear a friend say, “I’m eating fewer calories and I’m not losing weight!“ All that means is they have leveled off. They are not gaining, which is great, but they have not quite created a negative energy balance.

Do you need to count calories? Not necessarily. I think it’s a good idea for a few days to log your consumption and get a feel for the calorie level your are at; but, if you are gaining weight or are leveled off, and you are not willing to become more physically active, you have to reduce your calorie intake.

People who tell you, “I can’t lose weight no matter what I do” are lying to themselves. Everyone can lose weight. If you were thrown into prison for a year, fed nothing but chicken soup and forced to do 8 hours of hard labor every day, do you think you would lose some weight? OK, insane example, but you get my point. When I hear this statement, I instantly translate it to, “I am not yet willing to change the things in my life I need to change to create a negative energy balance.”

Weight loss supplements? There are weight loss supplements that work. If a weight loss supplement can speed up your metabolism (burn more calories) or suppress your appetite (consume less calories) or give you the psychological kick-start you need to make permanent lifestyle changes, it will help you lose weight. The problem with supplements is, what happens when you stop taking them? I’ll tell you. Your body, being the amazing machine that it is, will overcompensate to “correct” the condition you have created by taking supplements.

Can you lose weight without exercising? Yes, but your calorie consumption has to be low; and exercise offers so many other benefits, it is well worthwhile even if you are not losing weight.

What if I eat 1,200 calories worth of chocolate ice cream per day and burn 1,300 calories, will I lose weight? Yes, because you have created a negative energy balance. Of course, you will be damaging your health in a number of other ways as chocolate ice cream alone contains limited nutrients and a poor mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. To have optimum health, you must eat a balanced diet.

It‘s not all about weight loss, gang. Your body needs nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber to function efficiently. “Thin” doesn‘t automatically translate to “healthy.”

Losing weight is simple, but not easy. Creating a negative calorie balance requires lifestyle changes. If you are not willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary to create a negative calorie balance, that means increasing your current level of activity (assuming the same calories consumed) or consuming fewer calories (assuming the same level of activity) or both (a double bonus), losing weight will be a constant struggle.

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